Fouriesburg to Maloti mountains

Fouriesburg to Maloti mountains

The Maloti Mountains are a mountain range of the highlands of the Kingdom of Lesotho. They extend for about 100 km into the Free State. The Maloti Mountains are a mountain range of the highlands of the Kingdom of Lesotho. They extend for about 100 km into the Free...
How far is Fouriesburg from Clarens?

How far is Fouriesburg from Clarens?

28 min (35,7 km) via R711 Clarens is known for its spectacular sandstone mountains and wonderful climate; it is one of the most picturesque spots in South Africa and has recently been acclaimed as the best Trout Fishing waters in South Africa. Clarens is a small town...
How far is Fouriesburg from Ficksburg?

How far is Fouriesburg from Ficksburg?

39 min (49.2 km) via R26 Ficksburg is a town situated at the foot of the 1,750 meter high Imperani Mountain in Free State province, South Africa. Ficksburg is a lovely little mountain village on the banks of the Caledon River that’s home to some fine sandstone...